Thursday 5 November 2015

Mapping of Title Sequences

Mapping of title sequences

From mapping out three title sequences, I have learnt that there are around 23 - 15 titles which appear in the majority of sequences. We will probably make ours have less than this amount because we will only include the most important titles e.g. the director and the top cast members. We may therefore have about 15 titles in our sequence and will include both pre and post production members, actors, and the title of the film. This is the order that we have created:
  • 2-3 production companies
  • 2-3 main actors
  • The film title
  • 5-10 pre production workers
This may be changed around a bit because we haven't completed the task as of yet. We may choose to add a few more titles, or move the film name to the end of the opening sequence, depending on how the production turns out. We may change this whilst in the story boarding process but we would like the rest of the titles to stay in their order. We must still work out which jobs we would like to be included in our opening sequence. These are some common ones which usually appear from the mapped sequences I have looked at:
  • Casting
  • Music 
  • Editor
  • Director of Photography
  • Producer
  • Production Designer
  • Screenplay
  • Based on ___
  • Written and Directed
  • Director
There are other jobs which appeared in the sequences that depended on the genre of the film. For example, Coraline is an animation, so it is the only sequence out of the three that included titles such as 'lead animators' and 'art directors'. As we are doing a thriller movie, we will most likely just have to include the roles that are in the majority of title sequences and won't have to include anything that specific.

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