Thursday 21 April 2016

EVALUATION - Question 5

We have completed an interview with one of the members of our year group, who fitted some of the boxes of our target audience member, but who is not our 'ideal' audience member.


  • AGE - 17
  • GENDER - Female
  • CLASS - Middle
  • ETHNICITY - Mixed Race
  • LIKES/HOBBIES - Cooking & swimming
  • FAVOURITE GENRE OF FILM - Horror/thriller

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Final Main Production Task

Here is our final opening sequence. We have taken into account our feedback from our questionnaires and have edited accordingly. We have made the editing smoother so that there are no lags and so that the pace is fasted to suit the tension of the sequence. we have also added the most voted for font for our 'Schizo' title to make it more appealing. To make the music more effective, we have stopped it at certain times and on top of this, added a drawing sound effect over the title so make it resemble someone drawing it out. I am very proud of what we have accomplished with this piece and I believe that we have produced it to the best of our ability.
Additionally, we realised that we made a spelling mistake for 'director of photography' in our other drafts for our opening sequence, and we have corrected it in our final piece. 
As well as this, we have decided to create an ending that creates more anxiety, so we have cut out the last 10 seconds where Lauren says "you?". This has made the sequence shorter and has made the audience more on edge because of the abrupt ending.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Second Draft - Opening Sequence

Here is the opening sequence that we showed our class and took feedback from them on how to improve it and create our final cut.

The main topic that came up was the ending of the scene in which the character says "you?". Some students said that they thought the editing of the ending was quite slow and it would be more dramatic if it was cut shorter.

We also got feedback to not use fake names, as we used here, and instead create the credits using our real names, so the opening is more personal. This would hopefully make the credits more effective in the opening sequence.

Here is our second draft for our opening sequence.

Friday 8 April 2016

Bibliography for Research and Planning

Name of Source
What  information was used
What post I used it on
Common opening credits order
Extensive research on jobs appearing in credits
History of opening credits
Opening credits research
New England Film
How and why opening credits are used
Opening credits research
Themes and characters
Codes and conventions of the thriller genre in film.
(PDF) Correspondence analysis of genre
preferences in UK film audiences
Cross-tabulation of interactively-coded gender-age variable with genre
Relationship Between Age, Gender, and Genre: SECONDARY RESEARCH
Main page information
Alfred Hitchcock - Suspense and Thriller
12A/12 and 15 information
The BBFC Certificate of Our Film
History of film scores
The History/Elements of Film Scores
Elements of a film score
The History/Elements of Film Scores
First rock song appearing in film
The History/Elements of Film Scores