Thursday 15 October 2015

I AM LEGEND - Opening Sequence Analysis

How does the director use media techniques to make the “I Am Legend” opening sequence effective? 

The opening sequence of I Am Legend is unique, as the non-diegetic, asynchronous sound begins whilst the film institution idents are being shown on screen (Warner Bros). A male news reporter is heard speaking about sports news, which then cuts to the establishing shot; a woman news reporter addressing the recent news of recent vaccines with diegetic synchronous sound. A shot-reverse-shot is then shown as the news reporter speaks to the other woman scientist. As they converse, the audience may wonder why they are speaking about such issues so enigma is created. The reporter says "so you have actually cured cancer?" And the scientist replies with "yes, yes we have". This quote also creates enigma because the audience is wondering how they have cured cancer and why it is significant. After this dialogue takes place, there is a loud non-diegetic, asynchronous bang with a black background, which is effective because it emphasises the fact a significant event has just taken place.  
In regards to mise-en-scene of the sequence, the women shown having a conversation are dressed formally and are wearing smart clothing. This could connote to the audience that they are important people and may be of high class. To highlight this, they are also on TV, which shows that they have respected jobs and may therefore be respected people that are looked up to by the audience in the film. When the loud bang stops, a long shot of an empty city is shown, along with the text "three years later".The camera then tilts upwards to display the extent of the situation. This creates enigma because the audience becomes curious as to why the city is so empty because it is not a normal sight to see. Piles of cars are shown along with building which look very run-down; the setting doesn't look very safe. The audience may be wondering where this place is and where any characters are. The sound accompanying this scene involves diegetic asynchronous birds and other animals. Only nature is heard and there are no people seen or heard. This could connote the loss of humanity, which is effective because it may make the audience think that something has happened to the human race, as the previous part of the scene involved two women talking about curing cancer. An effect is created that nature has taken over and have control over the town. 
A sign is shown in the town that has clearly been there for a long time due to the old brown colour of it and the fact that it is somewhat torn. The sign shows the message "contagious disease", which makes the audience assume that the reason why there are no humans is because they may have been harmed by this "disease". The streets displayed are dirty and the lighting is natural, however it is also shaded by the very tall buildings. The sun is barely shown. Which connotes that there is no hope left or that when the humans left, hope left as well. During the scene, one slither of sun is shown on one of the roads, which implies that there may be one small hope left for the human race. Additionally, there are grass patches all over the town, therefore nature may be slowly taking over what was once controlled by people. However, the patches are inconsistent, which may also be an indication of hope for humans because nature and animals have not fully taken over yet. The whole setting seems very unnatural and inhumane, which effectively interests the audience and creates enigma. As well as this, editing is also slow during this opening sequence because it emphasises the drama and severity of the damage that has been done in the town. 
The news has an old-fashioned effect and isn't viewed in very high quality. This shows the contrast between the old nature of the diegesis and gives the audience a chance to compare the news how they see it to how its seen in the film. As well as this, they can also compare the town seen in the film (New York) to the town in real life; they can truly see the effects that have been used to make the setting of the film. Overall, many long shots are seen of the town, which communicate to the audience that something has seriously gone wrong in the world and make the sequence effective in helping the audience relate to the world in the film.

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