Friday 9 October 2015

Preliminary Task - Planning

Whilst my group were planning our preliminary task, we mind mapped and brainstormed a few ideas that we could have possibly used in order to complete it. My group consists of myself and Tinika. Listed below are the ideas that we have discussed:
  • Teacher and student confrontation
  • Failed exam
  • Bully confrontation
  • Group of friends
In the end, we decided upon the idea of a teacher and student confrontation. We would use fellow media studies students as the characters, and we wouldn't have to do anything drastic in terms of setting and costumes.

We decided to take a double lesson of our media class to film our task around the school,as it is a convenient place that fits our idea. For characters, we asked out friends Monique and Lauren to play the teacher and student, and Tinika played another student who had found out about their secret.

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