Thursday 14 January 2016

Animated Title Sequences

Technology today is always evolving, which means that we have the ability to create animated title sequences. These may have a high cost, however it may be worth it to make a good first impression on the audience and captivate them as soon as they begin watching the film. Creating a full length animated film would cost millions of dollars for example the Toy Story franchise produced a total budget of $320 million.

Over the years, animation has become a useful technique for movie directors to have the freedom to do and create what they like. Instead of building a set worth millions of dollars, it is easier to create it in an animation, which may not cost as much as paying for the actual props. For example, in Coraline (2009) there is a parallel world that is created, whereby various strange activities take place and the world eventually crumbles apart into a white screen. Creating this on a set may not have the same affect as the animation because this way anything can happen, which is something that makes the film what it is. With other films of this genre (dark fantasy horror), special effects, which may also be costly. As well as this, Coraline is based on a novel, so the director wouldn't want to change many elements of it. A good way to make sure that they can include everything they want is to make the film an animation. The audience can therefore feel as if they are watching the novel come to life and they can become more immersed in it.

However, animation is a very long process and it must be in order for the film to look realistic. Animated films take a longer time to produce than ordinary films. Pixar movies can take anywhere from 4 to 7 years to be produced. That being said, Pixar is a large subsidiary and so would spend a long time to produce as they want a good reputation.

If I had the option, I would want to create an animated title sequence, as I wouldn't be restricted by location or props and I could be as creative as I wanted. However we don't have the required equipment to carry this out and we have a very small budget for this task.

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