Monday 25 January 2016

Planning and Brainstorming

Planning and Brainstorming

I will be working with Tinika. We have chosen to work together because we get along really well and we also are also similar in personalities, so it's likely that we'll be similar in the way that we work and we can be more efficient. Tinika studies drama, which takes up a lot of her free time because of the controlled assessments involved. As well as this, I am studying exam based subjects as well, which require a lot of revision and going over such as psychology. We will have to make sure to set time aside in order to complete our media tasks so that we can stay on top of our subjects. Other than this, me and Tinika will work very well together, as I love editing and she is a great director. We also don't live that far from each other, so meeting up won't be a problem.

We have looked at many different film genre's and at first were discussing maybe choosing to do a crime drama or a teen drama. However, we soon discovered that the opening sequences to many drama films aren't very captivating and we want to make ours more exciting. This is why we have started to look into the thriller/horror genre. Although this is a very overused and popular option, it is a genre that suits us and we believe that we can pull it off quite well as long as we come up with a creative idea.

In regards to codes and conventions, we may be able to add a few things which won't be that much of an issue, for example shadows and masks. However, the genre we are looking at often uses props such as knives and guns, which wouldn't be safe for us to use in public, even if they are fake. things such as special affects are also included, which we don't have a lot of access to. If we do have any issues, we can always look more into the genre so that we can avoid them.

We are both going to create three logos together for three production companies. INSERT WORK ON THAT HERE

After discussing the genre and idea of the sequence, we have decided to do a thriller film. Here are the ideas that we came up with: INSERT FILM IDEAS and BRAINSTORM HERE

As this is a thriller film, which will include an unsettling tone and will keep viewers on edge, we have decided to settle on a 15 BBFC rating, this means we will have to follow these rules and use them as our guidelines when creating our sequence, taken from the BBFC website:
  • Any of the following: strong violence, frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***'), portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour, drug taking.
  • We consider the risk of potential harm to impressionable teenagers. For example, dangerous behaviour such as hanging, suicide and self-harming should not dwell on detail which could be copied.
  • There may be racist, homophobic or other discriminatory language, and the work could explore themes relating to this.
  • However, at 15 the work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.
The overall tone of a film/DVD can affect its BBFC rating depending on how it makes the audience feel. For example, our film is likely to be dark and unsettling, so it most likely couldn't be rated as 12/12A because it could make younger viewers uncomfortable. This is why we have decided on a 15. However, if a work has a positive and happy tone, it is more likely to be classed as a 12/12A rather than a 15.

Our film opening will only show three characters at maximum, however it will definitely establish the protagonist. This means that we won't have to rely on a lot of people to help us with our production and we can be more available to film. It also means that there are enigma codes because the sequence does not reveal too much. As this is a thriller, we want to keep the audience on edge so we want to keep them guessing after watching the sequence. We have already asked and gotten permission to use our actress in our task so we are currently just waiting to pick a filming date.

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