Wednesday 24 February 2016

Film Name - Target Audience Feedback

Whilst brainstorming ideas for our opening sequence and thinking about what we wanted the plot to be. We had to think about what we wanted the name of our film to be. Although we have already produced the first cut of the opening sequence, we weren't certain on the initial name that we chose. We used 'Skitzo' but then decided that we liked 'Schizo' as well. This is because we wanted to portray the idea of the protagonist having schizophrenia so both would work. However, we couldn't decide on which one we wanted to use for our final cut. We decided to write them both on A4 pieces of paper and ask 10 students from a year 13 media class (aged 17-18) to write their name on a post-it note and stick it on their favourite title.

We picked this class because we wanted to ask students who would be able to watch the film in the cinema, as out BBFC rating is a 15. We also asked both boys and girls to get a varied opinion.

As you can see, 6/10 students liked 'Schizo' as the title, therefore we will be changing our film title because we personally like 'Schizo' more, and other people do as well.

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