Sunday 14 February 2016

Theories of Narrative

These are two theories of narrative which I have researched about the structure of narratives. They are very popular and I may use this in the creation of my opening sequence, as the aim of an opening sequence is to set up a narrative.


He states that most story's follow the same pattern, consisting of 5 steps:

  • EQUILIBRIUMThe first part of the film, whereby everything is balanced and in order.
  • DISRUPTION - A problem will arise in the story to disrupt the balance and happiness. 
  • REALISATION - The characters realise that something is wrong in the story.
  • RESTORED ORDER - The characters will attempt to fix the problem.
  • NEW EQUILIBRIUM - The final part of the story, where balance is restored and the problem is resolved.
This theory follows the idea that the narrative of films is a repetitive pattern of harmony, disruption, and then harmony again. This is evidently true for most films and therefore we must assume that our film will also follow this theory. We must make sure that the elements of our opening sequence (music and lighting) can set up the equilibrium of somewhat peacefulness, but we must also make sure that we add a sense of darkness to create some unease.


He developed his theory by noticing a pattern in characters in folk tales:

  • THE HERO - Usually seeks something.
  • THE VILLAIN - Struggles against the hero.
  • THE DONOR - Helps the hero or gives them a magical object.
  • THE FALSE HERO - Perceived as good but emerges as evil.
  • THE DISPATCHER - Sends the hero on their way.
  • THE HELPER - Helps the hero on their quest.
  • THE PRINCESS - The person who marries the hero.
This theory states that the characters in a film help to move the story along. In our opening sequence, only 3 characters are included. The protagonist is established as she is first seen and looks to be seeking something. We can therefore assume that she is the hero, and the second character who is seen and not heard is the villain. However, because not much us seen during the sequence, the characters aren't definite and could always change around as the plot changes.

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