Monday 8 February 2016

DRAFT - Opening Sequence

This is the first draft of our opening sequence. It is not final because it is based on one of our film ideas (idea number one), that we wanted to test out. Our idents aren't completed yet, so we have inserted some draft names of what they will be. We have also decided that this genre (horror) isn't what we want to go with for our final piece. This is partly because we want to make it more thriller based, but also we had a lot of difficulty whilst filming it was dark outside because our camera couldn't focus and we ended up filming with my iPhone instead. This made our production look less professional because we couldn't use a tripod and I had to make sure I held my phone as still as possible to get a good effect. However, we don't want the final production to be steadycam. Overall, this draft ended up not looking how we wanted it do and so we must pick a new film date.

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