Sunday 28 February 2016

Our Non-diegetic Asynchronous Soundtrack Options

No Games - Civil Ryan

The first option for our soundtrack is a song produced my one of my friend's Ryan. It is quite fast-paced, so we may use this if our opening sequence ends up being a horror (idea one) because it sounds more upbeat than a soundtrack for a thriller film. This track isn't very creepy, but may suit a running scene or a scene with a lot of action.

Haunted - Ross Bugden

This second option is one of our favourites because it would go well with a thriller (idea two) and sounds very creepy. This is the sound that we're going for at the moment and resembles a child-like soundtrack or a lullaby. This soundtrack is copyright and royalty free, so I wouldn't have to pay to use it.

Witch's Lair - Desperate Measures

This last option creates a more eerie atmosphere than the first two and would also go well with a thriller opening sequence. It may suit a stalker scene or someone being followed and is also copyright and royalty free so would be easy to use.

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